One Man; One Bicycle ~ 440Kms in 24 Hours for
Childhood Cancer Awareness & Fundraising!!!

Francois will depart on his epic race-against-time from just outside Hoedspruit @ 14:00 on Monday 5th October in his attempt to cycle 440 Kilometres in 24 Hours!!!

This 21 yr old student is taking on this challenge in the name of Childhood Cancer Awareness & Fundraising for the Little Fighters Cancer Trust  because he has seen the ravages of cancer on our Little Fighters and their families, and has taken it upon himself to DO something about it.

There are 6 stages to Francois’ 24 Hour Challenge for Childhood Cancer Awareness:

Leg 1: Hoedspruit to Ohringstad – 87.2 km
Leg 2: Ohringstad to Lydenburg – 48.6 km
Leg 3: Lydenburg to Dullstroom – 56.1km
Leg 4: Dullstroom to Carolina – 83.6 km
Leg 5: Carolina to Ermelo – 66.2 km
Leg 6: Ermelo to Volksrust – 99 km

Francois will afford himself a 15 minute break in-between each of the phases. The pace will be approximately 23-25km/hour, and he has allowed for an additional 4 hours within the 24 hour limit for eventualities.

We thank USN SA – Ultimate Sports Nutrition for providing Faf with all his supplements and Mellow Velo Cycles for spares, tyres and tech crew!


Francois will be accompanied by one support vehicle, generously sponsored by KIA SOUTH AFRICA, and two support crew, who will make sure that he has fresh clothes, keeps hydrated, and has a constant supply of high-energy fast meals; they will also look after his general safety and well-being whilst on the road.

Support Crew Members Introduction

Member: Stephanie Scorgie

Stephanie ScorgieHaving been involved with children’s charities from a young age, it was only natural for Stephanie to use her new love of cycling as a platform to highlight these causes even further and to support her fellow athletes in their endeavours to do the same. “I draw such inspiration from children who are fighting every day for their lives and the families who join them in the battle – it puts life into perspective for me and ensures that I remain grounded and not caught up in daily trivial matters” When Stephanie found out about Francois’s 24 hour challenge she knew she had to help in whatever way she could. “To witness somebody put their body through hell and back all in the name of drawing awareness and support to a worthy cause is both humbling and inspiring – I look forward to cheering Francois on as we hit the roads of Mpumalanga!”

Member: Randy Robertson

Randy Robertson

I’ve donated to charities and volunteered in youth development programs in the past, but the ‪#‎24Challenge‬ will be the first initiative I involve myself in that takes me completely out of my comfort zone.

Being in the support crew is the least I could do considering Faf is sacrificing his time and comfort for this amazing initiative. I’m looking forward to spending 24hours with some awesome individuals, flying the Kia flag high and getting my hands dirty. Its going to be a great journey!


Kia Motors South Africa will be using the app Periscope to give us live updates during Francois’s ‪#‎24Challenge‬ on Monday.


KIA Motors South Africa and on twitter @KiaMotorsSA
Little Fighters Cancer Trust and on twitter @LFCancerTrust
United Challenge and on twitter @UnitedChallenge

This way, you will be able to follow all the excitement and drama day and night, and if you download Periscope, will get a notification every time the guys go live.

united challenge 24 hr for cancerkids

Please remember that your donations are much appreciated, and can be made via Francois’s United Challenge For Little Fighters Cancer Trust Back-a-Buddy Page and corporate pledges with

Corporate Pledges

Francois is asking corporate companies to pledge to donating on a sliding scale, based on the 6 legs of the 24 Hour Challenge to raise funds for the Little Fighters Cancer Trust:

  • If he finishes leg 1 of the 6 within the 24 hours: Donate R100.00
  • If he finishes legs 1 & 2 of the 6 within the 24 hours: donate R250.00
  • If he finishes legs 1, 2 & 3 of the 6 within the 24 hours: donate R500.00
  • If he finishes legs 1, 2, 3 & 4 of the 6 within the 24 hours: donate R750.00
  • If he finishes legs 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 within the 24 hours: donate R1 000.00
  • If he finishes ALL SIX LEGS (440km) WITHIN 24 HOURS: donate R2 500.00 to the Little Fighters Cancer Trust

As the Little Fighters Cancer Trust is a fully registered NPO with PBO status and a certified Level 4 B-BEEE Contributor, full Section 18 A tax benefits and 100% B-BEEE score applies to all donations received for The 24 Hour Challenge.

We ask for your full support of this incredibly inspirational young man’s efforts! By Supporting his selfless enthusiastic and passion-driven initiative, you will be supporting Childhood Cancer Awareness and many other types of support that the Little Fighters Cancer Trust offers Children Fighting Cancer and their families across South Africa.

If you commit to a pledge, as set out above, you will receive a feedback email on October 6th confirming how many legs Francois completed within the allotted 24 hours, plus an invoice for the amount you committed to donating. Your Section 18A and B-BEEE documentation, will be issued as soon as proof of payment is received by

If you simply wish to applaud this student’s amazing commitment at an age when most are concerned with parties, fashion and self-centred lifestyles, and would like to show him your support by making a donation in his name, please feel free to do so via one of the following methods:

Please go to Francois’s United Challenge For Little Fighters Cancer Trust Back-a-Buddy Page to support him in his quest to raise funding for Children with Cancer by making a donation.


Bank Details

Account Holder: Little Fighters Cancer Organization
Bank: FNB Paarl Mall
Account No: 62277783249
Branch Code: 250057
Swift code for international donations: FIRNZAJJ
Trust Reg No: IT2817/2010
Reference: Company Name+24

Please email proof of payment to to have your Section 18A tax certificate and B-BEEE score documentation issued.

PayPal Donations


Additional Details

NPO Registration Number: 089-376
PBO Registration Number: 9300 37 657

Web Links

Little Fighters Cancer Trust

Twitter: @LFCancerTrust

Contact: Media, Donations and Sponsorships: Mandie Erasmus
Office Hours: 021 863 0249 ǀ Cell: 073 729 6155

United Challenge

Twitter: @UnitedChallenge

cyclist l2r

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