A Grateful Onco Mom
As a parent with a child with cancer, the challenges are many. When a child has cancer, the entire family is affected. If you have not experienced this journey yourself, you cannot begin to imagine the scope of the challenges that come our way.
When a child gets diagnosed, there’s immediate changes. Most of the time if there’s been 2 incomes, the mom (if she’s been working) gives up her job to be there for the child with cancer.
I’ve witnessed first-hand the utter devastation childhood cancer brings to families. My family and I went from a good ordinary life of comfort to wondering where our next meal would come from, with no income. We lost everything on this journey and many days I don’t know how we made it to hospital with my son. Having no money and certainly no money to get something to eat. It broke my heart irreparably to have to tell my ill teenager that he could only have 2 pieces of bread when he clearly was far hungrier than that.
Many days while at hospital with my son, I remember worrying about a meal for my other children at home. One cannot imagine the emotional turmoil dealing with a child with cancer AND worrying about empty stomaches and lack of basic necessities.
On this journey with cancer, our story about not having such basics as a plate of food, is not unique. In the many months of our journey with cancer I’ve seen hunger and also grateful tears when a hand is extended with something to eat at the other end. Organizations who support families like mine, are truly a God-send. If it wasn’t for them, I don’t even want to think how many times we’d go to bed hungry.
One would think that at times when a child get cancer, family and friends would be a constant source of unconditional support. While this is sometimes the case, it is not always so.So organizations such as LFCT are a valuable support and resource who sometimes are the only refuge and door to knock on for food.
I can’t stress enough how essential their work is in providing for families like ours. I only have to look at my children to remember the look in their eyes telling them there’s nothing to eat, but LFCT is on their way with groceries. Smiles were priceless… #gratitude #appreciation
A grateful oncomom* “
Adriaan ~ Brain Cancer Little Fighter
We just want to say thank you for everything you have done for us. We really appreciate it tremendously.
Adriaan’s brain cancer has shrunk more! Prof. said that he only has to go for a scan in PE and follow-ups. If all goes well, we won’t have to come back here! (Red Cross, Cape Town)
Again, thank you for sorting out our Cape Town accommodation and transport daily, and THANK YOU to everyone who was involved. God Bless You ALL”
Adriaan’s Grandmother
Heini ~ Brain Cancer Little Fighter
Dankbaarheid. Elke keer wat ons geklop het, het ‘n nuwe deur vir ons oopgegaan! Waar ookal ons gedwaal het, het ‘n nuwe pad vir ons verskyn! Ons was gehelp, ons was bemoedig, ons is ondersteun!
Ons is geseend!
Baie dankie dat julle help en nooit oordeel nie! Dat jul inspring en gee as ons lewe inmekaar tuimel.
God bless!
Gratitude. Every time we knocked, a new door opened for us! Whenever we lost our way, a new path appeared! We were helped, we were encouraged, we are supported!
We are blessed!
Thank you for helping and never judging! That you jump in and give as our lives are collapsing all around us.
God bless!
Rob Barrow (Pick ‘n Pay Argus Project )
Hello Little Fighters Team
A quick thank you to all of you for hosting a very special pre-race evening. The efforts of the ‘Bay to Bay’, tour were indeed worth every pedal stroke when it became clear the level of support that you gave us all.
As a non-South African resident my knowledge of the ‘Little Fighters’, organisation was regretfully non-existent, but once explained I found great warmth and personal support for every action you take.
I hope that as every year passes I will be able to continue visiting South Africa as a rider and tourist and wish for many more tours to be as successful as the last.
Regards and support,
Rob Barrow
P.S. My time was 3.22.42 not particularly quick but very enjoyable
Charmeon Carneson
20 Jun 2011
“This organisation is incredible.
In our case they have helped ease our journey through Child Cancer with their endless kindness and offers of help. I wonder if anyone, not traveling this horrible journey knows how important it is to have “a shoulder to cry on” or angels like these three who always have your back no matter what.
My grandson Reef was diagnosed with Leukaemia at the age of 5 months, it has been a 2 year journey I would not wish on anyone, but LFCT are amazing whether it is sourcing specialised food for Reef and couriering it to our doorstep, sending parcels of nappies, clothes, creams etc. Collecting funds for doctors bills to be paid these people are relentless in their determination to make the life of cancer families easier
I thank God for them every single day. It takes a very special person to put aside your own needs and see to the needs of others and these three wonderful angels of God are just such people.”
Theresa Nieuwenhuis
Due to the fact that it is a very rare type of cancer, not like leukemia, there are no statistics or positive feedback from the doctors. Everyday you stand next to that sick-bed, watch how needles get forced into your child, watch how the doctors conspire on how to operate / proceed, theaters are your new best friend because you see them so much, hospitals / ICU becomes hotels and medicine becomes like cooldrink, it feels like a lifetime to get test results back and yes then those sleepless nights on how long do I have left with my child.
I was invited on Facebook to join the Little Fighter’s Cancer Trust Facebook Page a while back. On this page you’ll see daily updates on children with cancer, photos, word of hope / joy and also condolences and sympathetic messages for those who have lost their battle.
Xuané has her own Facebook page but I also put a weekly update on Xuané’s well being on the Little Fighter’s Cancer Trust Facebook Page so that everyone is aware of her condition. If I feel down and don’t know how to go on, I just go to the page, paste something on their wall and there will be a response in seconds, words that are uplifting, people that ensures you that they are praying and will not stop!
This team were so kind to make my little girls’ dream comes true. She had this dream to meet Bobby van Jaarsveld in the flesh. Due to her condition, I couldn’t take her to one of his concerts because we have to drive a long way and she can’t sit for long. I shared this dream with LFCT and they said that they would try their best. Every time there were hiccups, then he’s away on honeymoon, then he is busy with a concert. But one day positive feedback came back, just when we needed it. He came to visit her one evening at our house. He brought her a cute teddy bear, sweeties and a prayer. Although she was very shy, I know that she will never forget this! Because after he left, this was all we talked about and every time she said he came to visit me, she gave one of those giggles only she can give.
They do so much for the children in need, and not only the children but the parents that is going through this ordeal as well. They are sympathetic, kind and good-hearted. They will go out of their way just to make our (parents) pain a little less.
With Xuané’s condition she is permanently on nappies. The Little Fighter’s Cancer Trust did everything in their power to get me sponsors for nappies. I already have 2 sponsors’ thanks to them!
I will be forever grateful to LFCT to make our days a little less worry and much brighter!