People are always asking how they can get involved with the work that we do – there are many ways in which any individual can support LFCT – there is no such thing as too little help – every small token of support, every small donation all goes towards the bigger picture – never think that you cannot help because every single person can offer something …
Financial Donations
Financial Donations are always key for any non-profit organisation, as income-generation opportunities are minimal and, especially in the case of the Little Fighters Cancer Trust (LFCT), the work that we do and the services that we provide require a lot of cold hard cash – please visit our Financial Donations Page for more information
Product Donations
Many of the services that we provide to our beneficiaries and their families consist of product, and we are always grateful for donations of any of the many, many products that we distribute to our beneficiaries. Please visit Our Wishlist Page for more information…
Pre-Loved Donations
While we cannot gift our beneficiaries with second-hands goods due to their impaired immune systems from the cancer and relevant treatment regimes, we do accept donations of gently pre-loved items of all kinds which we sell in our Pre-loved Shop, based at our office in Paarl, as a form of income-generation (all money generated goes straight back to our beneficiaries).
Be an LFCT Champion
Fundraising for the Little Fighters Cancer Trust is done in a variety of ways, very often with the help of some very good friends and ambassadors, without whom we don’t know what we would do. These people and organisations are our LFCT CHAMPIONS – Become one today! See more on our LFCT CHAMPIONS page
Being a non-profit, public benefit organisation, LFCT cannot afford to employ all the people we need to help us make this work, so we do depend on volunteers to help where necessary – there are so many different types of voluntary work that one could do – please visit our Volunteering Page for more information…
Our Guarantee
We will always go out of our way to assist wherever possible – funds dependent – and where we cannot help we will endeavour to put our beneficiary family in touch with an organisation that can.