The thing that truly sets the Little Fighters Cancer Trust apart is the highly individualised support offered, which comes from a deep understanding of the fact that every individual, every family, has unique and very specific needs. Every effort is made to ensure that the support given is targeted and practical, whilst still ensuring the most efficient distribution of resources.

The support that LFCT gives is not compartmentalised or predetermined, as circumstances differ from one beneficiary to the next.

The Little Fighters Cancer Trust Offers support to Children with Cancer and their Families in:

  • Individual Family Homes
  • Paediatric Oncology Hospital Wards
  • Places of Safety which house Children with Cancer

Requests for support are received from Social Workers, Hospital Wards, Teachers, Friends and Family; either in person, or via telephone, social media or e-mail.

Support works on a sliding scale, which takes into consideration income, needs, family size, and other factors.Many of the more affluent Childhood Cancer-affected families are often shunned by support organisations; however, while the more needy families will get the bulk of the tangible support, LFCT will never exclude any family; often all that is required is emotional or moral support, or just some relevant information. Little Fighter Cancer Trust does not turn anyone away.

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LFCT provides Support in and out of hospital, on a National scale.

In-Hospital Support may include but is not limited to:

  • Basic bedding and sleep-wear needs
  • Toiletries for patient and bedside caregiver
  • Educational activity-sets and toys
  • Non-perishable foodstuffs for the bedside carer
  • Special requests: disposable diapers, specialised foods, milk formula, underwear, clothing and shoes

Out-of-Hospital Support may include but is not limited to:

  • Groceries and cleaning materials
  • Clothing and shoes
  • Basic furnishings and appliances
  • Transport to and from hospital

In short, Support is extremely targeted, individualised, and practical. This might take more effort and more time and organisational skills, but it ensures a focused and maximised distribution of resources and prevents wastefulness.

Because of the varied support that LFCT offers, our Wishlist is rather large and varied too, according to needs, time of year and various other factors that specifically affect childhood cancer patients.

Although we also have one-off needs (such as a wheelchair, a comfortable soft chair or a bath hoist,  for instance) for which we will send out special appeals, the following are needs that we consistently need to fill.

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The following goods are distributed to our beneficiaries throughout the year via our Hospital Outreach, Bag of Hope Share the Warmth and Family Care Package projects – PLEASE NOTE that everything has to be NEW due to the fear of infection as our Little Fighters have severely impaired immune systems

Content Child Bag of Hope toys blanket sweets etc

Child’s Bag of Hope

  • New set of Pyjamas
  • Soft toy
  • Colouring book and crayons
  • Reading book, puzzle or educational game
  • 0pH Soap
  • Facecloth
  • Toothpaste and toothbrush
  • Aqueous cream
  • Crisps; Sweets
  • Boxed fruit juices
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moms bag of hope contents; tea, toiletries, 2 min noodles, etc

Mother’s Bag of Hope

  • Dry cereals; Long-life Milk
  • Cup-a-Soup; Two Minute Noodles
  • Sandwich Spreads
  • Coffee; Tea ; Sugar
  • Rusks; Biscuits
  • Soap; Facecloth; Towel
  • Shampoo & Conditioner
  • Toothpaste & Toothbrush
  • Sanitary products
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Family Care Package Products

  • 0pH Soap Bars
  • Toothpaste, Toothbrushes
  • Facecloth
  • 2-In-1 Shampoo and Conditioner, Large Size
  • Body Lotion, Non Scented Aqueous Cream
  • Deodorant
  • Disposable Razors
  • 2kg Washing Powder; Staysoft Sachets(Makes 2L)
  • Dishwashing Liquid, Handy Andy, JIKMacaroni,
  • Spaghetti, 2 Minute Noodles
  • Rice
  • Self-Raising Flour
  • Mieliemeal, Oats, Weetbix, Cornflakes
  • Dry Soup Mix, Cup-A-Soup
  • Oxtail Soup Packets, White Onion Soup Packets
  • Stock Cubes
box filled with non perishable groceries
  • Tomato Sauce, Chutney
  • Bovril / OXO/Marmite
  • Peanut Butter
  • Tea, Coffee, Sugar
  • Long-Life Milk, 1 Litre Boxes
  • Biscuits, Rusks
  • Tinned Biryani, Bully Beef, Viennas,
  • Tinned Sweetcorn, Green Beans, Carrots, Peas, Mixed Vegetables, Baked Beans
  • Tinned Jam
  • Tinned Pilchards, Tuna, Sardines
  • Tinned Soup
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Physical donations of goods can be made in various provinces, not only in the Western Cape, so please contact us regarding any physical donations you would like to make so that we can make arrangements with our amazing transport sponsors, Kargo (Pty.) Ltd to collect the goods from you and deliver them to us.

Financial donations can be made into the Trust account; please mark your donation with your details and for which project you would like the donation used if any, otherwise we will use it where most necessary at the time.

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Bank Details

Account Holder: Little Fighters Cancer Trust
Bank: FNB Paarl Mall
Account No: 62380183013
Branch code: 250057
Swift code for international donations: FIRNZAJJ
Trust Reg No: IT2817/2010


The Little Fighters Cancer Trust cannot continue any of our programs without your full and continued support. We ask of you any involvement that you would be able to offer.

Please see our Projects Page for more detailed information as well as more info on and needs for our biggest project each year ~ the LFCT Christmas Elf Project!